dimarts, 30 d’agost del 2011

View from my window

Achter de Lange Stallen. Breda, NL.

Dutch mobile operators

During the last week I was looking for a phone and data provider. As a foreigner I wasn't interested in any kind of abonement, so I will write about the prepaid options. The brands that I'd checked with my fellows are:


Is the best option for calling and messaging inner the Netherlands. Hi's SMS tariff is the cheapest. Good data prepaid plan but not enough. All my buddies
had choosen this option.

T-mobile offers the best conditions for call home (abroad). Not of my interest: As you, I've skype. No prepaid data tariff avaible. SMS and Calls  are more expensive than vodafone and Hi. None of us had interested for this brand.


 Forget it. At his moment They haven't competitive prepaid prices.

I've decided for Vodafone. They have the best prepaid data plans in the Netherlands. They are called Blox . If you will use an smartphone in the Netherlands that is the best option. Word. The calls and the SMS are a bit expensive than Hi but it compesates me. At this moment I'm using the "Smartphne Blox" 15€ per month/1GB. It's expensive, I know but it's the cheapest prepaid option.

divendres, 26 d’agost del 2011

Quest: Looking for a Bike

I have a 120€ budget and I want a bike. There's an used objects shop here in Centrum Breda.Yesterday I saw a nice one through the showcase but It was solded. Today I went to a bikes shop with Mauricio (Viva Mexico cabrones!) and the new ones are very expensives, there were a pair of used ones at 100€ and 125€.

Breda is a very flat city with long and wide streets. Go to university takes me twenty minuts. The finish guys said to me that in make it take less than ten minutes. I think that spend this money won't be a waste.

dimarts, 23 d’agost del 2011


I will talk about Android Apps soon, probably this week, but yesterday I arrived to the Netherlands and I'm a little shocked. I don't understand almost anything and I'm unable to keep a conversation as an adult. Further Dutch seems a very difficult language for a latin. At this moment I only can say "Hoi"; It means "hello". Breda is a very photogenic city. It has very nice scenes (time/space moments). Today I've been rolling through "centrum" with a 18mm lenses. If I've picked up my 50mm with me, surely I would make more photos.

dilluns, 1 d’agost del 2011

Unlocking Samsung Galaxy TAB

I'm writing by the tab's blogger app. Today I've just unlocked the tablet easily in less than an hour for 14 €, paied via paypal.  I've did it at fastgsm.com. I've checked the result with a movistar SIM and it works!! Now, I'm officially looking for a dutch net communication supplier. Tmobile, vodafone? I don't know, let me see.