I'm always complaining about the low level of this course but to be honest I've to say that is a good beginning. I'm ancious for start the dynamic web design course!!
Well, this is my project for this course : My plain html website
dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2011
divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2011
Five days in Catalonia
I'm awake. Awake in the Netherlands. Last Friday I flew to Barcelona and yesterday I flew back to Maastricht. Yes, after the train fee the savings of flying to Maastricht rather than Eindhoven are ridiculous. No problem, I made lots of foursquare points. Well, after two months I returned home and returned to leave it. As is normal everything and everybody was in the same place. Today I feel a bit disturbed. Anyway, to visit my country refreshed my mind and remembered to me what is my duty here: Improve. And I'm in the way.
dimecres, 5 d’octubre del 2011
African American People, some data
In 2010, there were 42 million of
African Americans, 13.6% of USA's population [1]
In 2004, 24'7% of African American
people lived below the poverty level[2].
In 2007, the average income for the
African American was 33,916$ (54,920$ for the whites)[3].
In 2007, more than 70% of African
American people were Protestant (religion)[4]
In 2010, almost 60% of African
American people lived in Metropolitan areas[1]
At 2009, 9,3% of African American
young people dropout high school [5]
At 2010, a 83% of NBA professional
players were African American [6]
At 2010, a 67% of NFL professional
players were African American[7]
At August 2011, the unemployment rate
for African American people was 16.7% , the white one 8% [8]
At 2009 , a 40% of imprisoned
population in the USA was African American (841.000 from 2.096.300)
Sonya Rastogi,Tallese D. Johnson,Elizabeth M. Hoeffel,andMalcolm P.
Drewery, Jr., The Black Population 2010, 2011
Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, Cheryl Hill Lee, Income,
Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2004,
August 2005
, Health Statistics, ,
, U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, 2008
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistics, The Condition of Education 2011, 2011
Richard Lapchickwith Francisco Aristeguieta, Wayne Clark, Christina
Cloud, Anna Florzak, Demetrius Frazier, Michael Kuhn, Tavia Record
and Matthew Vinson, The 2011 Racial and Gender Report Card:National
Basketball Association, June 16, 2011
Richard LapchickWith Wayne Clark, Demetrius Frazier, and Christopher
D. Sarpy, The 2011 Racial and Gender Report Card:National Football
League, September 15, 2011
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic News Release: Table A-2.
Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age,
2011, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t02.htm
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Statistical Tables, June 2010
dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011
Tilt-shift videos
After have seen several "toy-look" videos, today I've been googling. Well, this kind of videos are called Tilt-shift videos because you need a Tilt-shift lense to get this look. As at this moment I can't buy a 1.000€ objective I tried to fake the tilt-shift look with After Effects. I think that I'll try again taking the photos from more far away. Anyway, this is the clip:
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