dijous, 14 de juliol del 2011

snobbish strap?

I'm looking for a tablet pc. What is this useful for? A good friend asked to me yesterday. Sometimes, I have the feeling that I discover my thoughts about some topic while I'm speaking about it. Yesterday was one of those times. Well, it's usefull to keep me connected all the time, everywhere I told to him. He didn't seems conveced but accepted this argument. As this phone? Yes! As this blackberry but I don't want to spend 400 euros into a phone. The fact is that here in Catalonia I'm using my smartphone as a MID (mobile internet device (found this acronym in some remote place depth in the google sewerage). I rarely call somebody. I use the msn, the google talk, twitter, facebook, the maps, listen to music and take stupid photos in inappropiate moments, but call? Rarelly. So, I want to buy a 3G or GSM (I don't know the difference at this moment) inbuilt tablet pc. When I get there in the Netherlands i will buy a pre-paid internet sim, and an ugly cheap telephon to get called.

At this moment I'm in love Samsung Galaxy Tab. 400 euros! I cannot spend this ammount on this snobbish strap.

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