My intention was to write about my first dutch class. In my opinion if you are in Netherlands you must, at least, understand their lenguage. It's a politeness issue. Today I've dutch class again therefore I'll write about this topic tomorrow. Now, let me say that when I've logged in at my session, I realised about a little button: "try new blogger interface". Let's go my mind said. So, I'm positively very impressed with this clean and full of usefull complements interface. It includes a scheudeling for automatic posts. Geolocalization it's another option. Today it's cloudy and raining again but the temperature still being moderate, no heat no cold. I'm abolutly alone at home due all the people has class at morning. My own starts at 18:30. Probably I'll go* to take some rainy photos today.
*note for catalan people: Aquí tinc el dubte de si he de posar I'm going to o I'll go. Crec que si ja hagués decidit que aniría a fer fotos hauría de posar I'm going to take però com que encara no ho he decidit o ho acabo de decidir he de posar I'll go to take. Si algú em pot corretgir o confirmar-me que no vaig errat ho agrairé.
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