Christmas. People is flying home.
diumenge, 18 de desembre del 2011
dilluns, 12 de desembre del 2011
The Potter Box
The Potter Box is an ethic decision-making framework. Regarding four dimensions allows to take decisions in an ethic way.
The Potter Box wikipedia's entry
The Potter Box wikipedia's entry
dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2011
dijous, 1 de desembre del 2011
dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011
Just discovered Sinterklaas. Nice. There was a parade in Ginnekenstraat and the street was filled by lots of costumed children. The Dutch children recives presents from Sinterklaas at 5th december.
dijous, 10 de novembre del 2011
dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2011
Web design assignment
I'm always complaining about the low level of this course but to be honest I've to say that is a good beginning. I'm ancious for start the dynamic web design course!!
Well, this is my project for this course : My plain html website
Well, this is my project for this course : My plain html website
divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2011
Five days in Catalonia
I'm awake. Awake in the Netherlands. Last Friday I flew to Barcelona and yesterday I flew back to Maastricht. Yes, after the train fee the savings of flying to Maastricht rather than Eindhoven are ridiculous. No problem, I made lots of foursquare points. Well, after two months I returned home and returned to leave it. As is normal everything and everybody was in the same place. Today I feel a bit disturbed. Anyway, to visit my country refreshed my mind and remembered to me what is my duty here: Improve. And I'm in the way.
dimecres, 5 d’octubre del 2011
African American People, some data
In 2010, there were 42 million of
African Americans, 13.6% of USA's population [1]
In 2004, 24'7% of African American
people lived below the poverty level[2].
In 2007, the average income for the
African American was 33,916$ (54,920$ for the whites)[3].
In 2007, more than 70% of African
American people were Protestant (religion)[4]
In 2010, almost 60% of African
American people lived in Metropolitan areas[1]
At 2009, 9,3% of African American
young people dropout high school [5]
At 2010, a 83% of NBA professional
players were African American [6]
At 2010, a 67% of NFL professional
players were African American[7]
At August 2011, the unemployment rate
for African American people was 16.7% , the white one 8% [8]
At 2009 , a 40% of imprisoned
population in the USA was African American (841.000 from 2.096.300)
Sonya Rastogi,Tallese D. Johnson,Elizabeth M. Hoeffel,andMalcolm P.
Drewery, Jr., The Black Population 2010, 2011
Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, Cheryl Hill Lee, Income,
Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2004,
August 2005
, Health Statistics, ,
, U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, 2008
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistics, The Condition of Education 2011, 2011
Richard Lapchickwith Francisco Aristeguieta, Wayne Clark, Christina
Cloud, Anna Florzak, Demetrius Frazier, Michael Kuhn, Tavia Record
and Matthew Vinson, The 2011 Racial and Gender Report Card:National
Basketball Association, June 16, 2011
Richard LapchickWith Wayne Clark, Demetrius Frazier, and Christopher
D. Sarpy, The 2011 Racial and Gender Report Card:National Football
League, September 15, 2011
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic News Release: Table A-2.
Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age,
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Statistical Tables, June 2010
dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011
Tilt-shift videos
After have seen several "toy-look" videos, today I've been googling. Well, this kind of videos are called Tilt-shift videos because you need a Tilt-shift lense to get this look. As at this moment I can't buy a 1.000€ objective I tried to fake the tilt-shift look with After Effects. I think that I'll try again taking the photos from more far away. Anyway, this is the clip:
dijous, 29 de setembre del 2011
dimecres, 28 de setembre del 2011
dimarts, 13 de setembre del 2011
Recording time!
Yes! It's done. I've wrote a little project. I will start recording this week. It's about cooking. In the other hand, I still waiting for the home package. They sent to me twelve days ago and did not arrived yet.
divendres, 9 de setembre del 2011
dimarts, 6 de setembre del 2011
New blogger interface
My intention was to write about my first dutch class. In my opinion if you are in Netherlands you must, at least, understand their lenguage. It's a politeness issue. Today I've dutch class again therefore I'll write about this topic tomorrow. Now, let me say that when I've logged in at my session, I realised about a little button: "try new blogger interface". Let's go my mind said. So, I'm positively very impressed with this clean and full of usefull complements interface. It includes a scheudeling for automatic posts. Geolocalization it's another option. Today it's cloudy and raining again but the temperature still being moderate, no heat no cold. I'm abolutly alone at home due all the people has class at morning. My own starts at 18:30. Probably I'll go* to take some rainy photos today.
*note for catalan people: Aquí tinc el dubte de si he de posar I'm going to o I'll go. Crec que si ja hagués decidit que aniría a fer fotos hauría de posar I'm going to take però com que encara no ho he decidit o ho acabo de decidir he de posar I'll go to take. Si algú em pot corretgir o confirmar-me que no vaig errat ho agrairé.
*note for catalan people: Aquí tinc el dubte de si he de posar I'm going to o I'll go. Crec que si ja hagués decidit que aniría a fer fotos hauría de posar I'm going to take però com que encara no ho he decidit o ho acabo de decidir he de posar I'll go to take. Si algú em pot corretgir o confirmar-me que no vaig errat ho agrairé.
dissabte, 3 de setembre del 2011
Earrings, smoke and cops by giant horse
Yesterday we went to the bars. Centrum Breda is a pretty nice and lively pedestrian zone. At the night is crowded by young people. For a catalan the prices are a bit expensive. 1 beer costs between 1,90 and 3€ it depends on the bar. In the Netherlands it's allowed to smoke into bars. Due to this, my clothes smells like hell. There are lots of bars and pubs and all of them are crowded. I think that I'll love this city. In the afternoon the Grotte Markt is a very lovely place with all the terraces full. I'll take some pics about this soon. Finally yesterday night I had saw a police on a giant horse. Very impressive. oh! almost forget it: In some pubs/bars, if you are a guy, you can't wear earrings (WTF!?).
dimarts, 30 d’agost del 2011
Dutch mobile operators
During the last week I was looking for a phone and data provider. As a foreigner I wasn't interested in any kind of abonement, so I will write about the prepaid options. The brands that I'd checked with my fellows are:
Is the best option for calling and messaging inner the Netherlands. Hi's SMS tariff is the cheapest. Good data prepaid plan but not enough. All my buddies
had choosen this option.
T-mobile offers the best conditions for call home (abroad). Not of my interest: As you, I've skype. No prepaid data tariff avaible. SMS and Calls are more expensive than vodafone and Hi. None of us had interested for this brand.
Forget it. At his moment They haven't competitive prepaid prices.
I've decided for Vodafone. They have the best prepaid data plans in the Netherlands. They are called Blox . If you will use an smartphone in the Netherlands that is the best option. Word. The calls and the SMS are a bit expensive than Hi but it compesates me. At this moment I'm using the "Smartphne Blox" 15€ per month/1GB. It's expensive, I know but it's the cheapest prepaid option.
Is the best option for calling and messaging inner the Netherlands. Hi's SMS tariff is the cheapest. Good data prepaid plan but not enough. All my buddies
had choosen this option.
T-mobile offers the best conditions for call home (abroad). Not of my interest: As you, I've skype. No prepaid data tariff avaible. SMS and Calls are more expensive than vodafone and Hi. None of us had interested for this brand.
Forget it. At his moment They haven't competitive prepaid prices.
I've decided for Vodafone. They have the best prepaid data plans in the Netherlands. They are called Blox . If you will use an smartphone in the Netherlands that is the best option. Word. The calls and the SMS are a bit expensive than Hi but it compesates me. At this moment I'm using the "Smartphne Blox" 15€ per month/1GB. It's expensive, I know but it's the cheapest prepaid option.
divendres, 26 d’agost del 2011
Quest: Looking for a Bike
I have a 120€ budget and I want a bike. There's an used objects shop here in Centrum Breda.Yesterday I saw a nice one through the showcase but It was solded. Today I went to a bikes shop with Mauricio (Viva Mexico cabrones!) and the new ones are very expensives, there were a pair of used ones at 100€ and 125€.
Breda is a very flat city with long and wide streets. Go to university takes me twenty minuts. The finish guys said to me that in make it take less than ten minutes. I think that spend this money won't be a waste.
Breda is a very flat city with long and wide streets. Go to university takes me twenty minuts. The finish guys said to me that in make it take less than ten minutes. I think that spend this money won't be a waste.
dimecres, 24 d’agost del 2011
dimarts, 23 d’agost del 2011
I will talk about Android Apps soon, probably this week, but yesterday I arrived to the Netherlands and I'm a little shocked. I don't understand almost anything and I'm unable to keep a conversation as an adult. Further Dutch seems a very difficult language for a latin. At this moment I only can say "Hoi"; It means "hello". Breda is a very photogenic city. It has very nice scenes (time/space moments). Today I've been rolling through "centrum" with a 18mm lenses. If I've picked up my 50mm with me, surely I would make more photos.
dilluns, 1 d’agost del 2011
Unlocking Samsung Galaxy TAB
I'm writing by the tab's blogger app. Today I've just unlocked the tablet easily in less than an hour for 14 €, paied via paypal. I've did it at I've checked the result with a movistar SIM and it works!! Now, I'm officially looking for a dutch net communication supplier. Tmobile, vodafone? I don't know, let me see.
divendres, 29 de juliol del 2011
Habemus tablet
Just arribed from the post office. At this moment a Samsung Galaxy Tab is being charged beside me. I rarely read the toys's manuals but luckily this time I did it. It's necessary to charge the device before start it up. It would be sad f*ck up the battery at the first day. Well, by pearltrees I've been collecting a bunch of interesting Android apps. In a few days I will write about some of them.
dimecres, 27 de juliol del 2011
I'm pressing F5 key in the browser. I'm looking throug the window, the postman is hiding of me. This is the status of my order. I'm sick. I want my toy (cries) right now! (still criing).
25/07/2011 19:43:15 | Pedido en proceso de envío |
25/07/2011 19:13:51 | Pedido en proceso de activación |
25/07/2011 19:13:50 | Pedido en proceso de activación de SIM |
25/07/2011 19:13:49 | Pedido en proceso de envío |
25/07/2011 19:03:38 | Pedido en proceso de activación |
25/07/2011 18:53:20 | Pedido en proceso de activación de SIM |
25/07/2011 11:47:59 | Pedido en proceso de activación de bonos y servicios adicionales |
22/07/2011 19:30:26 | Pedido en proceso de activación de SIM |
15/07/2011 18:27:24 | Pedido en proceso de validación de datos |
15/07/2011 09:33:21 | Pedido en Prerreserva pendiente de stock |
14/07/2011 07:55:30 | Pedido en proceso de validación de datos |
dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2011
My whimsical me
Well, finally I did it. I have bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab. No, I'm not crazy, not in this way at least. I didn't spent 400 euros on an Android 2.2 (froyo) 7 inch tablet. I cannot do it, I can't do it when the Android 3.0 (honeycomb) is a fact. Ouch, It happened me again: talk about strage freak things that never will be useful to me again. Forget it. Android Operating system is not the point of this post. I plotted a plan that finishes with a Samsung Galaxy Tab on my pocket for 99 euros. I've bought a Vodafone Spain Galaxy Tab that I will liberate soon. My internet data SIM will remain in my country during my dutch year and It will be used into a Dongle by my best friend. Then, in the Netherlands I will get a prepaid internet data SIM.
Furthermore, there's a geek grave (I cannot understand almost nothing but I adore them) that promises a Honeycomb installation for the Samsung Galaxy Tab!!. The Honeycomb is the last Android Operating System version.
That's the plan. It looks pretty easy. As always.
Furthermore, there's a geek grave (I cannot understand almost nothing but I adore them) that promises a Honeycomb installation for the Samsung Galaxy Tab!!. The Honeycomb is the last Android Operating System version.
That's the plan. It looks pretty easy. As always.
dijous, 14 de juliol del 2011
snobbish strap?
I'm looking for a tablet pc. What is this useful for? A good friend asked to me yesterday. Sometimes, I have the feeling that I discover my thoughts about some topic while I'm speaking about it. Yesterday was one of those times. Well, it's usefull to keep me connected all the time, everywhere I told to him. He didn't seems conveced but accepted this argument. As this phone? Yes! As this blackberry but I don't want to spend 400 euros into a phone. The fact is that here in Catalonia I'm using my smartphone as a MID (mobile internet device (found this acronym in some remote place depth in the google sewerage). I rarely call somebody. I use the msn, the google talk, twitter, facebook, the maps, listen to music and take stupid photos in inappropiate moments, but call? Rarelly. So, I want to buy a 3G or GSM (I don't know the difference at this moment) inbuilt tablet pc. When I get there in the Netherlands i will buy a pre-paid internet sim, and an ugly cheap telephon to get called.
At this moment I'm in love Samsung Galaxy Tab. 400 euros! I cannot spend this ammount on this snobbish strap.
At this moment I'm in love Samsung Galaxy Tab. 400 euros! I cannot spend this ammount on this snobbish strap.
dimarts, 12 de juliol del 2011
I will leave my country trough Girona
I will leave my country trough Girona this coming 22th august . Already have bought the flight ticket: Girona - Eindhoven. Once i'll arrive to Eindhoven I'll pick a bus (the n.14 one) to the train station. After this, I'll should take a train to Breda. At 22th august I also will sign the contract of my new house there in the Netherlands. Thats the plan and it seems easy.
launching out
This blog is a testimony of my improvements during a period between today and June of 2012. Probably this blog will be become a bunch of spelling and gramatical mistakes. Furthermore, it may include unexisting words. I'm referring to those words borned in my ignorance that don't appears in any dictionary .
Conscient of my english skills weakness I will try to avoid linguistical mistakes. I mean that if someone is a bad writer no language will change this condition.
Conscient of my english skills weakness I will try to avoid linguistical mistakes. I mean that if someone is a bad writer no language will change this condition.
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